How to start a fast favorite in bed - the affection of which is to fly

Every man, it is always interesting to know , how to start a fast favorite in bed. In principle, it is not necessary to have any special abilities and properties. This will be enough kind words, light touches and dramatic hand movements.

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What affection, love women

To diversify your intimate life and get the indescribable joy it is for me to make any kind of use of different methods of foreplay and lovemaking elements. There are many different techniques and instruments used in the introduction of an intimate entertainment.

The simplest would be:

  • A gentle and loving touch of the lips,
  • Be careful, cuddling hands
  • Nice words in his ear.

How to start a fast favorite in your bed with your hands

If you know all of the areas that excite and relax, and at the right time led them warm and sensual movement you can quickly have a favorite. The moment the proximity will only enhance the effect achieved.

Why we do not recommend alcohol

Stop and think before you decide to diversify sex with alcohol. Alcohol inhibits transmits nerve endings impulses and in no way fueling the expected pleasure. So, a romantic evening is more appropriate, a glass of wine and nothing else.

Technique kiss and techniques for the deployment of

To make the girl appreciate all of your efforts, you should learn the techniques of sexual touch of the lips. It is usually:

  • A gentle touch of the lips to each other
  • Hot penetration in the mouth of the partners tongue, lord,
  • Changing the previous techniques – from gentle to passionate and vice versa.

Your lady will receive a real treat in bed if you stick to the necessary techniques.

Method Technique
Kiss A simple touch of the lips parts of the body, can deliver heavenly bliss.

This may be the lips and the neck, back and collarbone, cheeks and cheekbones, chest and abdomen.

Don't forget to monitor the reaction of your lover. Mark the places to make her arousal to a greater extent. Touch are produced as the lips and tongue.

Words of love As we love our beautiful women? That's right, ears. Remember, all the tender words you know. But it can't be both spatially and endless speeches.

Enough to make some compliments about her appearance, to say ear the Declaration of love, to remember the pleasant shared moments.

As is and moved the favorite, at the same time relax and excite state.

Gestures and other body language
  • All your movements must be soft and smooth.
  • Quietly have your fingers on the back, the hair, the belly or waist.
  • Try not to make any sudden movements.
  • All your movements should be erotic and inviting.
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What really excites a woman

Are you wondering how would your favourite fast in bed, do not forget about the erogenous zones. At the same time, each of them are individually.

Basic rules:

  • Some like affection of the scalp, the back or the abdomen, and the third is in the neck or chest.
  • Pay attention to the reaction. This will allow you to understand what places are most desirable.
  • In moments of pleasure a girl can close my eyes, to guide the partner's hand on the desired area or inadvertently touched.
  • There are a few places, stroking, that you can achieve the opposite result, that causes unpleasant feelings.

Most often the kiss becomes necessary incentives, after which comes the long-awaited intimacy of two loving people. Without it, too persistent overtures may be rejected. This is a romantic moment to end, that does not occur every wish.

How to excite a woman

Initially, the most commonly used light touch of lips on lips, but they are too gentle and may not give the course for the further development of the activities. Therefore, when the partner is already "mature" there is a reason to move on to the more passionate movements, which include the penetration of the tongue in the mouth and touches the sky and the internal cavity. But sometimes your beloved may refuse to caresses in this way.

This has its reasons:

  • Negative attitude to such manifestations of feeling,
  • Violation of personal hygiene,
  • Bad breath.

The female body is designed so that it can respond ambiguously to different touch. They constantly evaluate the partner.

And even in moments of intimacy, your lady analyses in terms of attractiveness. If she refuses the passionate kissing, then you're not fit her according to some indicators, it has no desire to continue the relationship with you and have your children.

To such conclusion scientists have come, but that is literally not worth it. Perhaps the problem is simpler – the girl is not to develop a sensitivity for this type of failure. Now it is small – to help her to achieve this.

Arousing the woman herself

For the implementation of the game of love, you should choose a suitable place. Better if it was a wide bed or sofa, where you feel comfortable and relaxed. Gently and slowly lay the object of his desires in bed. Your gentle actions will definitely be greatly appreciated. Now start to awaken the desire of keeping certain rules and tips.

Arousal touches

What you need to do for the pleasure of the beloved:

  • Gently touch your fingers or tongue skin
  • Don't be shy in the implementation of experiments in search of the erogenous zones,
  • The safe conduct of the activities, with your hands, but try not to deliver painful sensations
  • Gradually begin to love the game.

As you can see, it's very simple and cheap. Be creative, with your fingers or tongue, to explore all the unknown parts of the body, stimulate the area of greatest satisfaction.

The most important is that his actions, that didn't take away the pain. In this case you will have to start again. And not the fact that the next time a girl with the same joy allows you to study his beautiful body. Emerged to break the psychological barrier will be too difficult.

Promotion aspirations with a caressing movement

It is in vain, that many do not give the I value. It is possible to enhance the reflected an indescribable feeling and rekindle desire.

Nerves are present in our brain, a kind of response to the various vibrations, and the voice too. Thinking, how to start a fast favorite in your bed, remember all of the amazing and unusual combinations. With their help you will "blandientur" the deaf and women, evoking the languor and passion.

What action is recommended:

If a girl sleeps, tired, sick or just not in the mood, don't try to convince her that sex. You can gently stroke his hair or back, but if your actions will be perceived negatively, is not fit.

Your lady may allude to something that is not ready for the night of love. In this case, leave it alone. She would have on a monthly basis, even she didn't shower, then is the real reason for the failure is simply not voiced.

To a permanent partner or wife does not need to be treated, as to be sex on demand. Never be offended by an aversion to the intima and do not accuse her of anything.

Your verbal flow must be supported by actions and gestures. But don't rush, be foreplay enough attention. If a girl does not reach the required excitation, the pleasure the act of love, which will bring neither her nor you.

In the most mysterious point, this will defeat totally the opposite emotions:

  • Inconvenience
  • Negative emotions
  • Pain.

What kind of orgasm here, then, so to speak. What would a man do to achieve it will not work. So, regardless of the scheduled start of the game, be careful and patient, gradually passing all stages of foreplay. If your gentle whisper in your ear may not give the desired effects, supported it touches that tender and gentle. Gently, but firmly push the hands through the body, find all of the hidden corners, who is your favorite excited more and more, gradually relaxes and becomes ready for more active movement.

If such "tricks", which will become your constant companions in the process of seduction, which lady will become responsive even to light touch. In anticipation of sex, her body would burn with the desire.

How to get a girlfriend quietly

There are some of the erogenous zones, increase the voltage.

Every, lord, that you make an effort to understand which of his actions were given to the woman for an unforgettable party. How to start a fast favorite in your bed, just to monitor her reaction to your touch. Try to find and select those erogenous zones, which give a special sensuality, learn step by step the body is your Princess.

Hands – your chief assistant in the study of the most excitable areas. Do not forget that you must touch the lips and tongue. The movement must alternate from slow to fast, from one region to another.

Erogenous zones according to the degree of their sensory characteristics are of three types:

  • Weak
  • Average
  • Strong.
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At first, your attention should be directed, in certain low sensitivity to touch, and then, accelerate the pace of lego in the most exciting cities. Your favorite will moan of bliss.

The table below shows the most common erogenous places and their classification in accordance with the principles of the sensitivity.

The sensitivity of the female body

Area of the body Steps, that shows the desire
Low sensitivity
Hair Procedure:

  • Lightly touching the scalp, hold hands on the uncool hair, wrap your toes curl. You can do massage, promotes blood flow, increasing arousal. But for its implementation must have specific knowledge and experience.
  • Gradually descend to the upper chest and neck. In this case, operate the tongue and lips. The slight touch of their bodies, of the capture and the area of the forearm and clavicle.

Some kind of reaction to the kissing of the fingers. Maybe that is the reason why in the nineteenth century, the Cavaliers were constantly kiss their ladies.

  • Be sure to stimulate the ears and eye sockets.
  • In this case, no harm will be kind words.
  • The whisper of his, the kiss the lobe of the ear, slightly nibbling on your teeth. Produce the light kisses your eyes, your lady will receive an indescribable pleasure.
Average sensitivity
Chest How to caress Breasts

Women's Breasts gives a mixed reaction to the touch of men. The excitation is regulated in the following cases:

  • When feeding a baby
  • The time of ovulation
  • In the first trimester of pregnancy.

Touching the areola and nipple on the chest, you can bring your favorite to orgasm. Especially if her anxiety increased.

  • His partner in the stomach, that it is timid and gentle massage that stretches the back and buttocks.
  • Place between the shoulder blades is called the "cat". This should be the object of your attention. You can achieve complete satisfaction and enthusiasm of your beautiful half.
  • Properly conducted procedure, in order to achieve the effect of light tickling in my stomach.

One of the places, the affection must not stop even for a minute are lips.

An overview of methods and techniques for the implementation of the acupressure. They are very simple.

  • Pull the tongue, you ought to be aware of only its tip. They should be easy to touch the lips of your partner, as if slightly pricking.
  • Make sure that your language was firm and gentle.

Sometimes women at the time of receiving of pleasure slightly morsu your lips. This is completely normal and does not cause pain or discomfort.

Acupressure and the simultaneous affection of the breast assume that you are already sufficiently prepared for the final stage of the love of the game.

The strong sensitivity of the
Thigh with their inner side
  • That would be easier to caress the area of the crotch at the knees, lie down on your back.
  • Be gentle, gradually moving higher and higher.

The crotch itself is composed of many nerve endings and is divided into several parts. If you set a goal, how would your favorite quickly in the bed, her attention.

  • The most sensitive in this respect the Clit. You can see this visually in a moment of excitement is increasing. Sometimes it is difficult to detect, but it must be done urgently.
  • Stimulation of this area can lead to orgasm without the additional steps.
  • A special response to affection varies in the region from vagina to anus. This is a pretty sensitive place to touch him, that if it pleased your spouse.
  • Willingness to sex will be put immediately to the labia. At the time of excitation which they receive blood flow, and changes color. If you touch this place, you will be given your companion a lot of positive emotions and feelings.

The eve of the main exciter in women who have hypersensitivity. What can we say about the vagina, in which there is a large number of nerve endings. Thus, this city must be the most "popular".

The massage is up to the moment of sexual intercourse, in the process, and also after it. So you will allow, that women will experience, the speed and the desire to prolong the pleasure of orgasm.

The clitoris
The space, which is at the bottom of the vagina to the anus